
venue_id venuename city state country zip capacity slug
6 Sugarloaf Mountain Carrabassett Valley ME USA 04947 sugarloaf-mountain-carrabassett-valley-me-usa
20 The Woodshed Manchester ME USA 04351 the-woodshed-manchester-me-usa
23 Vinegar Hill Music Theatre Arundel ME USA 04046 vinegar-hill-music-theatre-arundel-me-usa
25 Portland House of Music and Events Portland ME USA 04101 portland-house-of-music-and-events-portland-me-usa
53 Germination Festival Harmony ME USA 04942 germination-festival-harmony-me-usa
77 State Theatre Portland ME USA 04101 state-theatre-portland-me-usa
110 Narrow Gauge Cinema Farmington ME USA 04938 narrow-gauge-cinema-farmington-me-usa
135 Thomas Point Beach & Campground Brunswick ME USA 04011 thomas-point-beach-amp-campground-brunswick-me-usa